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- CAHB Webinar, Myanmar CAHB Webinar, Myanmar CAHB Webinar, Myanmar CAHB Webinar, Myanmar CAHB Webinar, Myanmar
Chemico Myanmar Co., Ltd. organized an interesting webinar under the topic “4 Facts about Acnes and Solutions“ on February 28, 2024. The main speaker is our medical consultant, Dr. Romun Leaovitavat. The webinar presented about facts of acnes and main ingredients for recovery mask, toner, daily serum, spot gel and scar treatment. Formulations, formulation tips and the related raw materials were also included.
Chemico Myanmar Co., Ltd. organized an interesting webinar under the topic “4 Facts about Acnes and Solutions“ on February 28, 2024. The main speaker is our medical consultant, Dr. Romun Leaovitavat. The webinar presented about facts of acnes and main ingredients for recovery mask, toner, daily serum, spot gel and scar treatment. Formulations, formulation tips and the related raw materials were also included.
Chemico Myanmar Co., Ltd. organized an interesting webinar under the topic “4 Facts about Acnes and Solutions“ on February 28, 2024. The main speaker is our medical consultant, Dr. Romun Leaovitavat. The webinar presented about facts of acnes and main ingredients for recovery mask, toner, daily serum, spot gel and scar treatment. Formulations, formulation tips and the related raw materials were also included.
Chemico Myanmar Co., Ltd. organized an interesting webinar under the topic “4 Facts about Acnes and Solutions“ on February 28, 2024. The main speaker is our medical consultant, Dr. Romun Leaovitavat. The webinar presented about facts of acnes and main ingredients for recovery mask, toner, daily serum, spot gel and scar treatment. Formulations, formulation tips and the related raw materials were also included.
Chemico Myanmar Co., Ltd. organized an interesting webinar under the topic “4 Facts about Acnes and Solutions“ on February 28, 2024. The main speaker is our medical consultant, Dr. Romun Leaovitavat. The webinar presented about facts of acnes and main ingredients for recovery mask, toner, daily serum, spot gel and scar treatment. Formulations, formulation tips and the related raw materials were also included.